Mat 17:1 "And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart..."
I suppose it is no small thing to be a companion of Jesus. Peter, James and John had something special going on, of that there is no doubt. What is the message we can glean from this passage? I don't feel like an inner circle kind of person. There are very few people in this world to whom I feel this kind of kinship and trust. Most people keep even friends at arm's length when it comes to the essence of who they are for fear of rejection. This is a testament to the character of Jesus that He revealed Himself to these three men. He picked them carefully (as should we)to be His inner circle. To these men alone did He show this "light show" which pulled back the curtain on His glory just a bit.
So how about you? Is there someone to whom you can bare your soul? Often, folks are put off by someone who too freely confesses all they've ever done (cf. Jn. 4 where Jesus let the woman at the well know what He knew). There must be a commitment of trust in order to make this type of thing possible. That is rare.
Too often in this world today, we force or fake intimacy in an effort to "network". Life for some today is a big game of "Survivor" where deceit and backstabbing are a way of life. Rare is the friend to whom "warts" are not a hindrance to mutual respect and love. And rarer still is that soul who when his Lord calls him aside to the solitude of the mountain is not too busy to go, in hopes of seeing His glory.