Familiar scriptures are often difficult to read without the imprint of past sermons or lessons over shadowing the eternal truths found there. Once in a while though, the Spirit breathes new life and the bones begin to revive. Anyone who has been a Christian for more than a few years knows what I'm talking about here. Today I had the experience of rereading Psalm One when I realized an aspect of this passage which hadn't been obvious to me at first blush.
We all know the progression of “walk”, “stand”, “sit” in the first section of the Psalm. This is the most popular lesson taught from these verses in the recent past. One of the obscure points that presents itself however is beyond the “Blessed Man” and his walk. The mention of the ungodly person and their characteristics takes up most of the verses in the entire passage. First, they are the shining example of what the “Blessed Man” was NOT to be. Keeping company (having fellowship is implied) with them is a sign of agreement with them. “Walking” in their “way” is a sure method for disaster. The Psalmist then mentions that the blessings promised to the “Blessed Man” are not for the “ungodly.” Their destiny is to be blown away like the dry chaff after threshing.
What do we learn from this? I am reminded by this, that I am surrounded constantly by those whom I should not emulate, nor aspire to imitate in any way. I must resist their enticements, and yet not withhold my compassion. I should be able to interact with them without being overwhelmed by how God views their lifestyles. It is difficult to try to show true respect to someone who doesn't respect themselves let alone those around them regardless of relationship. These same folks are destined for destruction, bound by deception and can't imagine what is ahead for them.
What should I understand from this? That brings us back to the “Blessed Man.” What is the source of his strength? The recurring theme here is the Word of God. He meditates in it day and night, he is like a tree planted by irrigation ditches (one interpretation of the streams of water) fed by the Spirit via His Word. In my last post I referenced Isa. 55:8. Because my thoughts are not His thoughts, I need daily infusions of His wisdom, His perspective and His guidance to keep me in His "way". I am grounded by His leading and imprinted by His manner of looking at things. I should not be looking at the culture or celebrities to know how to live this year. I should only be looking at His Word to help me avoid the influence of the "Chaff." I am humbled that I was once "only fit for the burning" but now I am his crown of rejoicing.(cf Eph. 2:5-7)
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