Saturday, January 15, 2011


Many years ago, I read an interview with the brilliant film director Alfred Hitchcock. He was known for his ability to sustain suspense for almost an entire movie. He made many classic movies like “Psycho”, “North by Northwest”, “The Birds”, “Vertigo”, “Rear Window” and more. (He did this by the way, without gore or overt sexuality). In this discussion Hitchcock was asked about the secret of creating the amazing level of suspense found in many of his movies. Although I can't recall his exact words, the illustration he gave was unforgettable. He described an ordinary scene in a diner where a couple is sharing a meal. In the course of their sitting, eating and talking, they make a discovery. Under the table is a bomb timed to go off while they are eating. The couple alerts the other diners and they all flee to safety. “That is how most directors would show the scene” said Hitchcock. “Here is how I would do it.” Same diner, same couple, except that the audience knows that there is a bomb while the couple does not. Changing perspective back and forth from the couple and other unsuspecting diners and then back the bomb ticking away. “That” said Hitchcock, “is suspense.” I'm sure he's right. Unwittingly being surprised by something (good or bad) is not excruciatingly stressful, however, waiting for something you know is going to happen, that is really difficult.
Suspense can be a hard thing to endure. While disappointment is that state of mind in which we DON'T get what we expect, the waiting is the hardest part. I remember once being in a car with my older brother when we were both teenagers. There was some sort of road block on the highway and we were last in a line of cars waiting our turn to move forward through the one open lane. Coincidentally, where we were parked was just beyond a blind hill on the road. As we waited, we heard the sound of screeching tires and I looked back to see a Cadillac sliding toward our rear bumper. I turned to see what my brother was doing behind the wheel, sure he would know what to do. He simply scrunched his shoulders up and squinted his eyes. At that moment, this feeling of helplessness washed over me(all of this took maybe one second) and I realized that this was happening, and there was nothing I could do about it.
Ever get that feeling? Something is coming at you(whether good or bad) and you can neither stop it nor speed it up. The bible is rife with examples of folks who had to wait. I think of Abraham having to wait on God's promised son. We have the Arabic people with us due to his inability to deal with the suspense. How about David? David was promised to be made the King of Israel, yet he had to wait upon God's method, and God's time. David handled the suspense of Saul's chasing him by fleeing out of God's will into Philistine territory. He did keep from taking Saul's life on two occasions and not only so, David was made King of Judah for over seven years before all Israel accepted him. Talk about suspense! What is keeping you on pins and needles?
Hebrews 11:13 says this “ These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. “ Remember the story of my brother and me? Well, the car behind us slid to a stop a couple of feet behind us. Just like that, most of those bad things which capture our hearts and minds in suspense and fear DON'T HAPPEN. Even the best things promised to the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11 weren't fulfilled on earth.
As a child, I remember the unfettered anxiety of Christmas Eve. Waiting on those things which I circled in the Sears “Wishbook.” I would be thinking about fanciful gifts and the unearthly fun and satisfaction that would be mine. There are things I would like to accomplish in my life, things which I can't do without God's help and open doors. I see the sand in the hourglass running down and I feel the anxiety rising in my heart. Lord, I want to do this or that. Lord I want to see this one or that one saved.You get the idea. I'm sure you feel the same way.How about that rapture promise? That'd be one I'd like to see...
The words to an old song come to mind :
“They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount upon the wings of an eagle
They shall run and not faint
They shall walk and not faint
Teach me Lord,
Teach me Lord, how to wait"

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